Soulbirthing Frequently Asked Questions

“What if I can’t make it to one of the online meetings?”

Due to the personal nature of our meetings, they are not recorded to protect confidentiality. You will have access to the online content if you miss a meeting, but you will not have access to what is discussed in the meeting.

“If I miss a meeting, do I still have to pay?”

Yes, this program is only sustainable by the payments made by those who sign up. We also want consistent attendance so our group can bond and find safety in sisterhood. Thank you for understanding!

“What are the two options of this program?”

Participants can just attend the online meetings each month, or they can attend the online meetings and attend the 3 in-person retreat weekends. However, our retreats are paused for 2024-2025 due to construction needs.

“Do I need to move to North Carolina to participate in the retreat option?”

No! The program meets online each month, and meets in-person 3 times for one weekend in April, June, and October. You can travel to North Carolina for the 3 retreats.

“Will this be hard and uncomfortable?”

No! You will be camping with any and all supplies you wish to ensure your comfort. Students are warm, dry, well-fed and happy so that you can get the most out of our time together.

“Do I need to have previous experience in outdoor skills, the arts, or anything else?”

No! You don’t need to have any outdoor or artistic experience. We welcome everyone at all stages of learning. We create our programing to be beginner-friendly for those who need it and also find ways to push those who are wanting to be pushed. Generally, the program starts off more comfortable and easy and progressively there come more chances for “edge-pushing”.

“I’m not sure if I’m comfortable camping. What’s it like?”

During retreat days all students are required to camp 2 nights to really sink into the experience. We have primitive campsites & amenities that are beautiful and comfortable. Students are required to bring their own tent and camping gear. Make it as cozy as you like. It is a beautiful experience to be among a group of people you trust while sleeping so close to the Earth and the subtle sounds of wilderness. Throughout the days, you will feel a deep connection as you get close and develop a more reciprocal relationship to the elements. A rain shelter is provided in case of inclement weather. There is also a small cabin on site if indoors are absolutely needed.

“How much does this program cost? Are payment plans available?”

The program has 3 tiers of payment so it is accessible to everyone who wants to participate. These tiers are suggestions. We operate on donation-based/ PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN system. See below.

“Can I bring my dog to the retreats? Or my kids?”

No. As much as we love our children and canine friends, as teachers and as students, we want everyone to be focused and able to make the most out of our time together.

“I’m a Transwoman. Can I participate?”

Yes! This program is designed for misogyny-effected people, or anyone identifying femme, female, woman, regardless of the sex or identity assigned at birth. This program offers loving acceptance, openness, and seeks to find deep understanding. Your program leader will discuss with you your specific needs, feelings, and insights so you are fully supported.

“I’m female-identifying I think…but I’m exploring. Is this a right fit for me?”

The teachers of this program are of the mind that the terms masculine and feminine or yin and yang are expressions of a spectrum of energy that can manifest in limitless ways. This program is designed for those who are female-identifying/ misogyny-effected to find our wild selves, and we welcome explorations beyond this gender identity throughout the program. We will be exploring Patriarchal, Puritan, Colonial, Capitalist, Heteronormative, and White Dominant messaging that may have created a disconnect between our Selves and the way we live, express, and interact with the world. This program is a safe container to explore and experiment. We will be traveling through the archetypes as potential and discovery, not directives.

“Can I participate in the retreat option if I’m pregnant?”

Yes! Your program leader will discuss this with you specifically. You will need a doctor’s approval. Once this is received, your program leaders will discuss with you how to meet your needs and have a safety plan in place should you need pregnancy-related medical assistance.

“Should I want support while I’m menstruating during some of the weekends, what supports will be given?”

Extra physical and emotional comforts and support will be provided to our sisters menstruating. We will always have supplies on hand. Our cycles are our sacred connection to the cycles of nature. It is completely up to a student if she would like to share or keep private her cycle needs with our group. Depending on the groups’ needs, the program leaders will welcome deepening our relationship to the beauty and spiritual power of this monthly rite, providing insight into forgotten connections and ritual. We will invite and welcome students finding empowering reframing of their cycles, healing what may have been absorbed by dominant culture that too often does not celebrate or show care for this monthly transformation.

“What if I’m too shy for this?”

This program is designed for all types of temperaments and personality types. Your participation in an activity is always your choice—all is an invitation. We will encourage you to always follow what your body is speaking to you, whether it is to take a break or nap, or to witness an activity that day. Witnessing others can be just as powerful and be the first step in exploring new territory. However, you will be encouraged to experiment in a way that takes you to your edges, to try new things, expand, but to always do so with the support of the resources we will foster and the group so you feel safe and confident. We will embrace our needs, no matter what they may be. We are here for where you are on your path and help you achieve what you want.

“Is there an age requirement?”

Students must be at least 18. Our hope is that we have students at every stage of adulthood.

“Can I just do the online classes and not the retreats? Or vice versa?”

There is no limit to the number of people we hope to connect with in our online meetings. At this time, we accept and accommodate only 10 women to participate in the in-person retreats 3 times during the year. Those 10 participants must participate in the online meetings. Within the online classes, if needed, participants will be assigned to a pod, a smaller group of women to connect and share with, as part of the monthly meetings.

“Can I join mid-year?”

Yes and no. Anyone can join the online classes at anytime during the year as long as it is before October. For the retreats, though we are considering this for future years as we seek to accommodate more people, we would like to keep the retreats a closed container from beginning to end to ensure participants can experience the comfort, support, and stability of a consistent in-person sisterhood.

“Can I do the year-long cycle online over and over?”

Yes, awakening these archetypal powers within is limitlessness, and we hope to connect you to more and more sisters every meeting, throughout the year.


There are 2 options for the Year-Long program: 1) Online Meetings only; 2) Online Meetings and the 3 In-person Retreat Weekends. However, retreats are paused for 2024-2025 due to construction needs.

Online Meetings Only: Anyone anywhere in the world can join our online meetings at anytime throughout the year (however, it’s best to wait to the start of the new year in March if you are joining after October), and cycle through these meetings as many times as they like for multiple years, as we deepen this work.

Online Meetings and Retreats: Space is limited to 10 people. After an application and interview, a nonrefundable deposit is due to save your spot: $100

Tuition: The program has 3 tiers of payment so it is accessible to everyone who wants to participate. These tiers are suggestions. We operate on donation-based/ PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN system.

MONTHLY ONLINE CLASS PAYMENT SUGGESTION: Assisted $44; Regular $66; Generosity $88

In-person RETREAT (3 total): Assisted $333; Regular $555; Generosity $777

Payable to Venmo @cashavelly by time of meeting/ event.